On Monday, the UVM Faculty Senate voted to support our proposal to the board, becoming the first Faculty Senate to formally endorse divestment in the country! On the same day, the Socially Responsible Investment Advisory Council voted to officially take up divestment as their project for this semester, and we will be working with them to craft the final proposal for the Board of Trustees meeting in May.
The next two months are critical for our movement. Almost without a doubt, divestment will be on the Board of Trustees agenda in May. It is of critical importance that they understand the broad consensus on campus. We must make our numbers, and commitment known, and we must continue to grow out movement and inspire more activist students. The country is waiting on a school with a vibrant, empowered student body to convince their University officials. UVM is the next divestment domino, and it will not fall, will not help other institutions, without our hard work, creativity, and intelligence. Our movement here on campus can change the world!
In the coming weeks, These are our upcoming events:
Organizing Meeting - Monday, March 18, 6-7:00, Lafayette 207
Tabling and Recruiting - Friday, March 22, 12-3:00, DC Atrium
VNES Kickoff - Wednesday, March 27, location and time TBA
By Brian Thompson UVM ‘16
Email studentclimateculture@gmail.com if you have questions or comments!